Functional Medicine

What is Functional Medicine?

Medicina funcțională este o abordare a sănătății carese concentrează pe identificarea și abordarea cauzelor de bază ale bolilor și nu doar pe tratarea simptomelor izolate.

Aceasta implică o înțelegere a relațiilor dintre toate componentele sistemului biologic uman și modul în careacestea interacționează cu mediul înconjurător. Iată câteva principii cheie care definesc medicina funcțională:

Key Principles:


Recognizes the uniqueness of each person genetically and biochemically.

Holistic Approach

Considers all factors affecting health, including genetics, medical history, diet, lifestyle, stress levels, and relationships.


Emphasizes disease prevention through nutrition and exercise

Personalized Treatments

Develops tailored treatments for each patient’s needs.

Therapeutic Monitoring

Se dezvoltă un plan de urmarire a stării de sănătate a pacientului, în care acesta este informat și orientat constant în scopul optimizării stării generale de sănătate.

Our Specialists

Dr. Nicole Thomas


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Patients have discovered the balance between health and longevity, benefiting from personalized treatments and our dedicated doctors' expertise.

in personalized medicine

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We combine traditional medicine with the latest technologies and therapies to provide personalized and effective treatments.

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Our team consists of internationally trained doctors committed to providing the best solutions for your health.

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    Why choose us?

    Personalized health approaches

    Longevity Clinic employs functional medicine and genetics to provide personalized solutions, addressing the root causes of health conditions. With a multidisciplinary team specializing in longevity medicine, nutrigenetics, and oncogenetics, we focus on disease prevention and optimizing your health in the long term.

    Expertise in the prevention and treatment of oncological diseases

    Victoria Asanache, a pioneer in medical navigation in Romania, with over 21 years of experience and more than 10,000 oncology patients guided, provides comprehensive support through specialized medical navigation. Our free service helps oncology patients understand their treatments and access the necessary resources in a timely manner to overcome medical challenges.

    Telemedicine services and flexibility

    We offer online consultations tailored to your needs. Connect with top experts from the comfort of your home and receive personalized care through our telemedicine platform, quickly and efficiently.