Oncogenetica este o ramură a geneticii axată pe identificarea și evaluarea riscului de cancer pe baza profilului genetic și pentru pacienții diagnosticați în stabilirea tratamentului țintit.
At Longevity Clinic, our specialists provide counseling and genetic testing to identify predisposition to different types of cancer. This field is essential in enabling at-risk individuals and their families to take proactive measures for cancer prevention and early detection, which can improve outcomes and quality of life.
Pentru pacienții diagnosticați, medicii specializați în oncogenetică vă ajută să înțelegeți rezultatele testelor oncogenetice, testele NGS comprehensive, instabilitatea microsatelitară, profilul mutațional al tumorii și altele. Specialiștii de la Longevity Clinic împreună cu medicul curant vor identifica cei mai relevanți biomarkeri, precum și ținte terapeutice pe baza profilului molecular.
Patients have discovered the balance between health and longevity, benefiting from personalized treatments and our dedicated doctors' expertise.
in personalized medicine
We combine traditional medicine with the latest technologies and therapies to provide personalized and effective treatments.
Our team consists of internationally trained doctors committed to providing the best solutions for your health.
Longevity Clinic employs functional medicine and genetics to provide personalized solutions, addressing the root causes of health conditions. With a multidisciplinary team specializing in longevity medicine, nutrigenetics, and oncogenetics, we focus on disease prevention and optimizing your health in the long term.
Victoria Asanache, a pioneer in medical navigation in Romania, with over 21 years of experience and more than 10,000 oncology patients guided, provides comprehensive support through specialized medical navigation. Our free service helps oncology patients understand their treatments and access the necessary resources in a timely manner to overcome medical challenges.
We offer online consultations tailored to your needs. Connect with top experts from the comfort of your home and receive personalized care through our telemedicine platform, quickly and efficiently.
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